Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Beauty of Life

I am earthy; I like material things. I throw a tantrum every time another scratch appears on my gold Impala. I run toward sales at the Mall and get excited over new accessories. I am a diva who has shoes that match my handbags and different sets of sparkling jewelry.

I am Elsie who is recongized for the boldness of red and the softness of pearly pink.

When do I smile the brightest?
What do I love the most?
What drives my determination?

~those beautiful moments that no money can buy.

1) Falling in Love
Nothing else makes my soul feel more alive and weak at the same time.

2) Expression
Using my voice to share, to guide, to inform, to entertain, to release...
My boldness. That's a reason I LOVE red so much.

A professor once told me that my most powerful talent as a writer was the ability to re-create human emotion and allow the reader to feel what "I" am feeling or what the characters of my imagination are feeling. I have emotions that stay inside and want to be released. I unclench my fists and allow the words to pour from my fingers into stories, poetry, - just flowing.

3) Heart - pearly pink - that's what I think of when I think of my heart. The Bible teaches us to love all - even our enemies. My pastor made the point in church the other day about this. I realized it was difficult when he said to even love that person "who has slammed the door in my face." Wow, makes Love seem all conquering - it does teach that Love never fails but first it is patient. I love to serve and minister to others. I like to use all aspects of my personality and character to help others. It's sacrificial - to put others' happiness before our own. But look @ Jesus - he died for us...

4) Youth - This one truly makes me smile and burst into laughter. I know people who still have that spirit of youth radiating in their presence even if they're in their forties or older! I pray I aways keep this youth. Like last week, the guys and I watched Poseidon and I squirmed with laughter because we were playfully teasing each other. I got my hand bit and my side poked. (Ok, I was being a kid...) My cheeks ached on the sides from laughing so hard. I pulled out my candy from my Melani handbag, and they're like "YEAH! She IS Mexican!" Sneaking candy into the movie theater - and I get called Mexican ok, so only Mexicans do that?!? They had just been teasing me about being a white girl trapped in Mexican skin because of my Texas accent! I love this about friendship - how we jokingly tease each other and have a great time - no matter what we are doing. I think it's that spirit of youth - just floating between us. Oh, Poseidon is not a comedy; there was a scene where someone dies and his body convulsed and his eyes stayed open staring blindly. Well, one of the guys, Angel, decided to pound on his chest and mimic the guy, because the actions were so exaggerated that we had to laugh.

After the movie, we cruized around. No more money so we had to do something that cost nothing, lol. The lives of college students - broke and discounted items. We passed through the cemeteries; I have this weird interest of cemeteries. Angel's face kept changing colors from flushed red to blue, and I'm asking "What's wrong?" He's shaking his head at me quickly. I'm thinking, "Maybe, he's choking?" We passed the cemetery and he lets his breath out quickly like he's gasping for air. I give him that look that says "What's wrong w/ you?" in confusion. He starts to laugh and say, "You can't breathe through a cemetery because the dead people will take the life out of you." OMG, I had to scream in laughter again. The dramatics that these guys pull on me just to see my face!!

That's not all - we went to the lake - now that's where I saw such beauty in life itself. Before we relaxed, Angel had to pull another dramatic act. I was getting ready to sit on the concrete table and look at the lake that surrounded us. The sun was starting to set and I was ready to relax in this peacefulness. Angel starts to walk around the edge near the water and look for clams. I tell him to stay in my sight as I lean back. I felt like I was getting after a kid even though he's much older than that. I talked to my other friend for awhile when I heard Angel scream out "Oh sh*t!" and disappear under the bank. I start to scream in fear that he had fallen into the water. I could already picture half of his body devoured by an alligator. We rushed over there only to find him standing behind the wide trunk of a tree and grinning michieviously. ;) Shaking my head, but thinking I still love these guys!!

The sun was starting to set so we lied down on the concrete table and the hardness did not feel so uncomfortable underneath me as I focused on the sky. The pink and orange of the sunset lowered and the midnight blue of the night sky emerged. There was half day and half night - don't we call that dusk? But to see it while lying on my back with a content grin on my face - is unforgettable! You should try this sometime!! Just get away from the rush of the city and go somewhere quiet and peaceful and watch the sun set - and welcome night. And, laugh because humor is so healing!