Sunday, August 07, 2005

Why Do I Get My Energy at Night?

Ok people, I don't understand it, but you know it's the middle of midnight y guess what? Elsie's wide awake, wanting to write, checking messages, and ready to write. It has to be one of those artsy traits of writers - getting the energy at night.

I remember before actually writing down my stories, I used to go to sleep thinking about them. Creating them in my mind. Watching them in my mind in a zoom-up lens with plenty of details. Details. We need details as writers - plenty of exaggeration. It's good when the fish gets bigger, hell, why don't I go ahead and add some sharp fangs to that fish? Make it look more like a shark than a fish.

I have always been like this though - getting my energy at night. You know, whoever I marry, he better match my sex drive and my energy or we will not get along. That's why I am going to check him out for a long time before I marry, you know my husband. LOL! I laugh at myself because I talk like I'm dating someone and making some big plans.

I trip out my family because I say I am getting married when I finish up with my Master's. They're like "to who?" and I laugh my loud joyful laugh and say, "I don't know, whoever God puts in my path. Sino, I'm gonna go straight to my Ph.D and be one of the youngest people to have a Ph. D in whatever I decide to get it in." I still think of that Ph. D; I want to settle down some after my Master's if God put un marido in my path. Have a baby. Start a family. Buy that ranch I've dreamed of. Live in that huge ranch house with a vegetable garden in the backyard and a flower garden in the front yard. Ahhh - just dreams you know.

Ok people, maybe it's the caffeine from this cherry tea I'm sipping, but I'm freakin' wired right now! I think I left the tea bag in too long, oh well.

My question if anyone has an answer out there in cyberspace: can anyone relate to this? YOu know, the energy at night thing? I write some of my best work at night. Or the early morning hours like 3 a.m. I swear, I need to pursue writing as a career, teach night classes, so I can sleep all day. I love the sunshine too much though! Couldn't do that...


whyshewrote said...

It is 2:43 am right now and what am I doing? Writing poetry. Some of my best poetry comes from my dreams, or incoherent thoughts as I'm about to fall asleep. Its one of the reasons that I keep a journal by my bed, just in case inspiration occurs.

~^^~L*C~^^~ said...

To "reasons to believe," I am glad someone can relate to what I'm feeling! I do get creative ideas from my dreams as well. Just whenever the "creative juices" start flowing, I'll start to write.