Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Scattered Thoughts~Treasured Moments

Another Page ~ Another Journey ~ Another End...
Pen pressed on paper, I take notes.
Eyes lifted, I absorb the lectures.
These are my days ... my last six college credit hours as an undergrad. I want to enjoy it and embrace it. Pull it closely to me, because I KNOW that in three weeks it will be over. And, I will no longer be an undergrad but a graduate. I will not know what to do with my time, look for a job, WRITE.

Scribbling during class
Sometimes, I am sitting there hearing the professor, but the voices inside me are shouting at me. (NO, I am not crazy! I'm talking about the voices of my characters.) Little things come to me about my stories, and new poems are manifesting. So my pink journal that I bought not too long ago, is already filling with pages of scribble but beautiful beginnings.

~Children Are the Light of the World

A few weeks ago, I was sitting through a Catholic Mass for a quinceanera, and the priest stated this. He beamed at the court that sat at the front row of the pews. I grinned my widest because I knew what he meant. "How beautiful the world is through the eyes of a child..." I love to be around kids and get caught up in their innocent dreaming. Perhaps, a part of me is searching for the innocence I lost. I cannot even dream even more. I'll admit there have been some moments, not too long ago, that I prayed to God before I went to sleep and as I awoke in the morning. I drew lip liner around my lips and told myself over and over, "Elsie, you're going to smile today." I'd go to work and teach those kids, loving every moment. Then it was snatched away. I gathered my sorrows, took 'em to God, and felt His love surround me. It was not easy... I've found other outlets to help kids; God has blessed me, and I must follow His will. It's amazing how the kids STILL love me; they run up to me in stores or follow me shyly. They look up to me because of WHO I am. They ask me for advice, because they know I've been in their place before, and I realize "Yep, I can use my experiences."

~Real-Live Angels

My friends have been supportive of me - always reaching out when I need them. There have been times, I didn't even need to reach out, and they just KNEW! I love you all!! True Angels! Those of you in cyber space and those of you in person - y'all know who y'all are!

I hope I have done the same. Some of them have admitted that my writing is inspiring - that means so much to me! It's so inspiring itself. The other night, I spent about an hour, shooting out over 100 lines of poetry about an incident that happened last week. People cried when they read it. Some of them were inspired to have faith. I shared a slice of my personality - didn't hide a thing. That's the kind of writer I am. If all else fails, I'll have some great stories to share.

I am FINALLY receiving some more ideas for my coverage of Hispanic males - (for my novel) some of the things they go through are pretty tough, and some of the things they do are pretty sad! Sorry in advance if I offend anyone...


a faith bigger than fear said...

I somehow know, deep within, from reading your blogs that you are a very warm, loving and giving woman to these children.

I'm sure you make a difference in these chldrens' lives and will continue to do so. You have that within you...

I read most of your blogs from work but because of our firewall, I can't comment. I play catch up when I finally sit at home and lose myself for hours. I have to force myself not to.

Keep on walking strong!!! :)

Unknown said...

You don't know how proud I am to see a latina women responding to our struggles in a positive ways. Many people don't understan how hard it is for latna women, we face racism, poverty, dangerous neighborhoods, tough expectancies from us, etc...
But we must not rest, we must try to turn these into possitive lessons and pass them on. Education might be a key. But reaching out and letting others know that they are not crazy, that there are many of us out there going through the exact situations, that's a lot more important.
Not feeling lonely.

Rose said...

Congratulations on your upcoming graduatiion. I know that is a good feeling. You are right about children. I love be able to see things through their young innocent eyes....

~^^~L*C~^^~ said...

Sugar cat- as always - ur comments are loved - I lose myself for hours - reading blogs, too. So many of us lead interesting lives.

Yecy - beautiful name - thank you for stopping by. Yes, I am trying my best to pass on these lessons to the younger generation. I see how our lives can make a difference. I'm all about being ourselves and reaching out in different ways. Just encouraging everyone to be the best they can be.

Rose - yes, i think children and their innocence is a universal theme - we can all relate. they are the light of the world - truly :)

Karla said...

I know this is corny but it is the truth children are the future. So what we do know affects them later and having a positve role model means that they might just have a better future.

By the way Part 5 of El Papi Chulo list is up.