Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Tagged Again by Groove

Ok Groove tagged me again. This is fun, gives me something to do that helps me think a little more.

Here It Goes

Seven Things I…Plan to Do Before I Die:
1.) Get My MFA in Creative Writing
2.) Publish a Novel
3.) Travel
4.) Get Married to a Wonderful Intellectual Patient MATURE Gentleman
5.) Have a Baby - when I'm ready
6.) Own a House
7.) Own My Own Business

Things I Can Do:
2.) Speak in public in front of a large group of people
3.) Be Open-Minded
4.) Dance to Nearly Every Kind of Music (I Think)
5.) Be There for My Friends When They Need Me
6.) LOVE
7.) CARE

Things I Can’t Do:
1.) Fall Asleep before Midnight Unless I'm Extremely Tired
2.) Say NO When a Good Friend Asks for a Favor
3.) Avoid a Big Sale @ the Mall
4.) Can't Ever Own Enough Handbags and Shoes
5.) Bite My Tongue When Someone Disrespects Me or Someone I Care about
6.) Drive Slow
7.) Walk in Pointy Heels - too clumsy

Things I say most:
1.) Sweetie/Sweetheart
2.) My Love
3.) Nombre (No man)
4.) Hay no (Oh no)
5.) Boom (exclamation)
6.) No way!
7.) Are you for real?

I tag Mia, Shelley, Karla, Suezette, Felicia, Liz, and Fred! You wonderful friends!!!


Karla said...

Oh i love, love to travel and what better excuse for shopping i mean you have to go shopping when you take trip.

Lu Soto said...
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Lu Soto said...

Sorry about the other one, it got posted befor i finished.

I just wanted to say, can't fall sleep before midnight? hon i used to be able to stay up until midnight and get up to go to work at 7 am. Not anymore, i'm getting old.

Pointy heels? you get used to them, i have about 10 pairs of pointy heels.

~^^~L*C~^^~ said...

Hey Lui! I'm too fat to walk in pointy heels. I'll be slipping in them! Yes, I can still stay up till midnight. I hope I can continue!