Call it hormones, pressure from two people I love dearly in my life, boredom from not working, maybe disappointment because there is not a job opening in my field yet, desire to sleep, realization that I've gained weight and my clothes are getting snug around the waist. I had to seriously change my capri pants earlier and put on stretchable material, like what's going on? I felt better though when I talked to my good friend, Maria. She told me that I will lose the weight, because during the winter we usually are not that active, but during the summer, we move around more, so I should lose it. Yay! I did exercise with my new exercise ball, stretching and feeling my muscles ache, as if saying, about time you use me!
I did take one of my final tests required by the State for my certification; it was actually easy - praise God! I did get tense though and feel the anxiety; I torture myself with worry. I did get a new Ana Castillo book to read that I am already enjoying!
I did feel myself crying a lot... I try not to whine on here, confide in God, my friends, pour out in words. There for awhile, some of you know, I was real ecstatic about becoming Catholic, feeling like there is where I belong! God, I feel you right here, in my heart, a light is forming! A hunger and thirst was born for more knowledge of Catholicism. Not because Tony, el amor de mi vida, is Catholic!!

I just don't know how praising God and growing closer to Him, can be so wrong because my mom is constantly throwing rude remarks about how much she dislikes the Catholic Church, and they are all hypocrites, according to her, etc etc etc. It's like who do I serve? You know what I mean? I have such a bad mouth that I quote scripture to her, remind her, God is the true judge, who do you think you are? I don't feel the Holy Spirit at the Baptist church anymore, sometimes I do, but it's so much stronger @ the Catholic Church! That's just me, that's what I feel.
Then she proceeds with the lecture about there being one God, and it's about God, not religion, so I should go to any church and understand God.
-Ok, then why you wanna say I can't go to the Catholic Church? Huh? What's the difference?
Regardless, I have a Blessed Mother in Heaven, who I have started praying for intercession, very powerful when I do.

I don't know... the other day, Tony's padrino talked to me, and told me I was old enough to make the decision myself, and make sure I was doing it for myself. He called me a liberal woman. Smile. Yeah, like I'm going to give in like that and submit to the man; I don't think so. I'm thankful to have an older wiser person talk to me on a spiritual level like that; I have no one else. I don't even have a pastor/priest that I can sit down with and cry my heart out, then feel comforting prayer. That's the reality of my life... what I've really been feeling - in spirit.
Now for my dreams...
Other dreams I've had - three dealing with engagement/marriage. 1) choosing the rings - big sparkly diamonds- *note, I don't even like those big diamonds - call me crazy, but I am not that materialistic, and I fell in love with a marquise shaped diamond from Kay Jewelers, even went over there and tried it on in real life (now, that is crazy?)* 2) shopping for a wedding dress and not finding my size - they were all size six, but then I was in a little bitty boutique 3) THE CRAZIEST DREAM - the wedding day, and I couldn't find my dress! My mom had handed me this ugly blue dress that was hideous, because we couldn't find my real big poofy dress. I don't even like big poofy dresses because I got big hips, and I don't want them to look bigger! the whole time in the dream, I was worried about Tony waiting for me at the altar!

Then last night, I dreamed Tony had quit his good job @ HEB to go flip burgers at McDonald's for $6/hr, and I was so pissed at him! 1st of all, Tony doesn't even like food service, absolutely hates it. 2nd - for $6/hr, and 3rd - he doesn't even like McDonald's that much, so why would he work there? My 14 year old cousin was me, too and we were going to eat Big Macs, when I spotted Tony in a McDonald's uniform.

I woke up, like so relieved that it was just a dream! I'm telling you, I had a crazy week, I hope this next one is better!